Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Your own Wardrobe!

I have tried n put some useful information about fashion essentials.
What men's wardrobe should have? My new post may answer this question.
(Please note whatever written below is totally my opinion. If anybody wants to comment or add some useful info, I would appreciate it.)


White shirt

If you want to look professional get a descent White shirt.
Face interview with something in off white, it will always give you that First impressions.

Polo neck shirts

Hit back home after so much of work, want to head to some restaurant or just want to relax at home, wear Polo neck shirts.
You can wear these shirts in the office also.

Plain shirt

Plain shirts will always show elegant side of yours.
Perfect combination would be wearing with nice trousers or jeans.

Checks shirt

Checks shirts will always give you little bit sporty look in professional manner.

Striped shirt

Striped is better off with jeans or trousers. These shirts give you that distinct look you are looking for.
To me any striped shirt rules if you wear it in perfect fitting.

T shirt

You should have at least one T shirt. You won’t believe but I have friends who don’t even wear T's. May it be anything from plain or printed? I strongly believe that at least one should have one black shirt that shows which band you follow or like.
I like Linkin Park. Even you can go for some nice t shirt with Vector art on it.


There's no winter without sweater.
You can have full sleeves but I would rather suggest go for sleeveless.
It gives you simplicity with elegance.


Every guy should have it. Personally I feel it.
Whenever you ride a bike wear a jacket.
I love sport jackets.


I wont write anything about Suits because everybody knows how important to have one of these.


Popular style of pants, sometimes called chinos. Very effective on plain off white or white shirt. Just my opinion.
Mainly "Khakis" have become popular as business casual pants/trousers,

Corduroy pants

This is what we call "Codra". Corduroy pants are best for office as it gives lil' deferent look than the good old plated trousers. Though you can wear these for an outing also.

Black, dark blue trousers

Plated/Non plated - Very common colors but very effective when you wear them with plain shirts or even striped ones.


Jeans are the perfect for everyday. The denim jeans with a dark wash with some slight fading and the fitting should be lower-riding with a more relaxed legs. Boot cut/Straight fit/Regular fit/Loose Fit these are some styles in jeans. Which jeans you would prefer it depends on you r body type. I am not a fashion designer so which jeans you should go it’s totally you choice. Do some Google for the jeans type & find one which suites your body type.


Ties are great way to express yourself, but keeping it tasteful is your best bet.
My favorite is Dark blue.


Hankies are very useful & important.

Leather Belt

Always match your belt with your shoes. This is a simple rule to follow and it keeps things simple. Other colors in belt generally should be avoided.
but if you insist, I would say go for Jeans belt (a belt made of Jeans (fabric)). I always prefer black leather belt.


Where you keep your cash, credit/debt cards? Wallet... A nice leather wallet would impress others when you take it out to pay the bill.
You can get a black or dark tanned leather wallet.

Perfume - Deo

There is a famous phrase "It's better to give than to receive" - This is true but not in the case of body odor. Nobody likes it. Kill the body odor by using good perfume or deo.

Shades/Goggles/Eye gears

If you want to express yourself and others off course, eyeglasses are one of the few ways. I have worn glasses for many years and I love having a few pair in different styles. They just don't serve a function, but enhance your overall looks. While buying the Shades/Goggles make sure they compliments the shape of your face & expresses your personality. Try and wear branded goggles than road-side ones.


Leather/Sport Shoes

You must be getting this question Which shoes to pair? It all depends on the outfit, the occasion, and the look you're going for.
In general I have segregated some of the styles below -
Leather Shoes - With Khakis, Corduroy pants, trousers, Sometimes Jeans
Trendy leather shoes (e.g. ID) - Specially for Corduroy pants, Jeans.
Sport shoes - like sneakers best when you wear with Jeans. 3/4 Chinos, Track pants.


Taking a short walk, going on vacation or for a window shopping? floaters are very comfy option in these situations. Only make sure you don’t wear floater in the office.

Kolhapuri chappal

If you are planning to wear a Kurta/pyjama, give your feet, the experience of Kolhapuri chappal. It is the Indian traditional floaters.


The more official rule on socks is that they should match the color of your pants, though preferably not the exact same shade unless, of course, you are wearing black in which case it's okay.
I have read this on "Note: Although it should be obvious, white socks should be reserved for the gym."
Personally I don’t feel like white socks should be reserved for the gym, you can wear white socks in the office also.



Most important accessory a man can own. At least you should have one good watch that suits your lifestyle and taste. if you like have more than one watch, wear the appropriate timepiece for your outfit:
black band with black shoes and belt;
brown band with brown shoes and belt;
and silver band for either. Reserve Gold plated watches for wedding only.


There is no life without music & there is no music without iPod. Make sure you buy the right iPod for you.

I-phone/Black berry

Cell phone gives that extra edge to your personality, if you are a manager or something like that strongly go for Black berry. I-phone is fun.
The iPhone 3G is one of the hottest gadgets in recent memory and seems like it is a style statement.


Laptop is just another gadget that you should have in this fast growing techno world to stay connected.
It is not necessary to have a laptop as now days many mobiles are as good as laptops.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bhar-Niyaman - A power crisis

Friends, as you all know, we are facing electricity crisis over the decade now.
As technology rises more and more gadgets we started using, I would rather say, we started depending on these gadgets.
Electricity is a life of these gadgets. So eventually we are started consuming more electricity.
We always blame government for the power crisis. Think over it again. Do we realize our part to save energy?
However we can do our best to fulfill our needs, keeping in mind that we need to save the energy. We would consider electricity.
I personally started doing this, and my work started from my home. I have changed all the tube lights with CFL lights & wholla!!!
I have succeeded in reducing the electricity bill. For the descent sized room, lets consider a Hall, or bedroom, 23 - 36 watts CFL is sufficient enough.
I have even turned down refrigerator setting to Low. I found huge cut downs in my electricity bill.
Power crisis is a serious issue, keeping all our needs in mind; we could save electricity with small - small changes.
You guys might feel from where to start. Do not worry, I have provided some of the basic points which you can follow.
I am not saying, follow everything, but even if you try and implement some of these techniques, I am sure there will be significance cut down in the electricity bill, you get every moth.
Keep saving...



1. Make use of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) in place of tubelights.
2. Please replace Zero bulbs with low watts CFL's or LED bulbs. A so called zero watt bulb consumes 12 to 15 Watts / hour. CFL’s are available in 5,7,9,11 watts capacities and they give better light output.
3. Use electronic ballasts / electronic choke against conventional electromagnetic ballasts tubelights for they consume less power.
4. Lighting devices like bulb, tubelights, CFL’s etc., consume power as per their capacities. Therefore use appropriate lighting depending on the requirement.
5. Reflectors can be provided in light fittings.
6. Install energy saver in lighting circuit.
7.While walking out of the room, switch off the lights.
8. Make use of windows for lighting purpose at its best.
9. Clean bulbs, CFL's and tubelights periodically to avoid reduction in illumination.

1. Use light weight / energy efficient fans.
2. Use electronic regulators for fans for they consume less power and provides fine control.
3. Try and use natural source for wind like wide windows.
4. While walking out of the room, switch off the fan.
1. Use washing machine to its full capacity. As in if you have 6 kg washing machine, try and wash 6 kg cloths in it.
2. Avoid using dryer in washing machines whenever possible.
1· Switch OFF directional vanes provided in the air-conditioner when not required.
2· Air-conditioned room must be leak proof.
3· Avoid frequent opening and closing of air-conditioned room.
4· Do not use a whole house fan or window fan while the air-conditioner is ON. Do use ceiling fan. It will allow setting the thermostat at a higher temperature and will make comfortable at about 25.5°C without the ceiling fan. With each degree raise of the thermostat, it will save 3-5% on the portion of the electric bill going to air-conditioning.
5· Keep down the humidity. Use the bathroom exhaust fan while showering. Make sure the dryer is venting outside.
6· Use correct capacity air-conditioner to suit the requirement of the room.
7. At night before going to sleep set the A.C timer for an hour or so & keep the fan ON on low regulator.
1. Adopt large scale ironing.
2. Avoid ironing one or two clothes daily.
1. Keep refrigerator away from the wall by atleast 200 mm.
2. Avoid frequent closing and opening of refrigerator door.
3. Allow refrigerated food stuff to come to room temperature before heating.
4. Allow heated / cooled food stuff to cool down to normal temperature before refrigerating.
5. Get in the habit of keeping items in the same place in fridge (e.g., Milk in the chiller, eggs in the door etc.,)
6. Make sure foods are covered before they are kept in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the moisture in them will evaporate which makes the refrigerator use more energy.
7. Freezer works more efficiently when full than when nearly empty.
8. In rainy & Winter season keep the refrigerator on low settings.
1· Use energy efficient water pumps.
2· Use correct size PVC piping system in water lines.
3· Arrest leakage of water in taps / joints.
4· Use capacitors for water pumps to improve power factor.
5· use level controllers for tripping of water pumps while pumping of water to Overhead tanks etc.,
(I would suggest do not use Water heaters)
1· When immersion rods are used, switch OFF when the required temperature is reached. Cover the container with a lid to avoid temperature reduction.
2· Avoid water leakage in taps / joints.
3· Use Non- Conventional energy sources., ie., Solar water heaters.
1· Organised cooking activity can save 20% energy.
2. Use right quantity of water required for cooking and reduce gas / kerosene usage of 65%.
3· Pressure cooker should be loaded 2/3rd if the foodstuff is solid and ½ if loaded with liquid.
4· Pressure cookers if properly used can save upto 50 to 75% of energy as well as time.
5· Cook food using solar cookers and save cost of 2 LPG cylinders
6· Reduce the flame when boiling starts.
7· Soak ingredients before cooking.
8· Shallow wide vessels save fuel.
9· Use of small burner in a LPG stove saves fuel.
10· Always put the lid to prevent heat losses.
11· Clean the burners regularly.
12· Cooking vessels should always be scrubbed clean, for effective heat transfer to the contents.
13· Plan the meal timings of the family members and avoid frequent reheating of food.
In General:
1. Do not forget to switch OFF lights and fans when not required.
2. Utilise the SUNLIGHT wherever and whenever available.
3. A house should be designed in such a way that maximum sunlight and ventilation are obtained.
4. Light coloured walls reflect more light and hence minimum lamps are enough.
5. Use daylight as far as possible.
6. Prefer adequate illumination and use appropriate lighting according to the requirement.
7. Utilise natural light by installing translucent sheets in the roofs.
8. Dim the lights depending on the requirements.
9. Use a table lamp against overhead light while reading at a desk.
10. Try and utilise full battery of you mobile. So that minimum charging will be required. This method would increase the battery life also.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Brain Teasers

You are trapped in a room with two doors. One leads to certain death and the other leads to freedom. You
don't know which is which.
There are two robots guarding the doors. They will let you choose one door but upon doing so you must go
through it.
You can, however, ask one robot one question. The problem is one robot always tells the truth ,the other
always lies and you don't know which is which.
What is the question you ask?
Ans - ask Any Robot a question "According to him (another Robot) which door is safe?"
A frog is at the bottom of a 30 meter well. Each day he summons enough energy for one 3 meter leap up the
well. Exhausted, he then hangs there for the rest of the day. At night, while he is asleep, he slips 2 meters
backwards. How many days does it take him to escape from the well?
Note: Assume after the first leap that his hind legs are exactly three meters up the well. His hind legs must
clear the well for him to escape.
Ans - 28 (27th day + 1 day for clearing 3 meter)
Cathy has six pairs of black socks and six pairs of white socks in her drawer.
In complete darkness, and without looking, how many socks must she take from the drawer in order to be
sure to get a pair that match?
Ans - Socks do not come in in left and right, so any black will pair with any other black and any white will pair
with any other white. If you have three socks and they are either colored black or white, then you will have at
least two socks of the same color, giving you one matching pair.
Mary's mum has four children.The first child is called April.The second May.The third June.What is the name of the fourth child?
Ans - Mary
You are mixing cement and the recipe calls for five gallons of water. You have a garden hose giving you all
the water you need. The problem is that you only have a four gallon bucket and a seven gallon bucket and
nether has graduation marks. Find a method to measure five gallons.
Ans - Pour the four gallon bucket filled with water into the empty seven gallon bucket. Fill the four gallon
bucket up again and poor as much as you can into the seven gallon bucket until the seven gallon bucket is
fill. Now there is one gallon left in the four gallon bucket. Empty the seven gallon bucket and transfer the one
gallon of water into the seven gallon bucket. Fill the four gallon bucket one more time, then pour the four
gallons into the seven gallon bucket making which already has one gallon in it, making a total of five gallons
You have two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes
exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is completely random and each string is
How do you measure 45 minutes?
Ans - Light both the ends of the first string and one end of the second string. 30 minutes will have passed
when the first string is fully burned, which means 30 minutes have burned off the second string. Light the end
of the second string and when it is fully burned, 45 minutes will have passed.
A corporate businessman has two cubes on his office desk. Every day he arranges both cubes so that the
front faces show the current day of the month.
What numbers are on the faces of the cubes to allow this?
Note: You can't represent the day "7" with a single cube with a side that says 7 on it. You have to use both
cubes all the time. So the 7th day would be "07".
Ans - Cube One has the following numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Cube two has the following numbers: 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8
The 6 doubles as a 9 when turned the other way around.
There is no day 00, but you still need the 0 on both cubes in order to make all the numbers between 01 and

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Trance is a process, technique, modality and state of mind, awareness and consciousness of your life.
Trance does not have any language, religion or nationality. Its a freedom of love, life with no boundaries.
A music, let you forget yourself.
Make you believe in sense of feelings & emotions.
Indulge youself in the world of Trance.
"I am trance addicted, I call it TranceBhakti."

Note: 'Bhakti means devotion or the path of devotion itself.'

Monday, December 3, 2007

Hey Its Good Old Martini...

The Martini is the quintessential cocktail - pure, cold, dry and elegant. An American creation, Martini dates back to the nineteenth century when, according to one version, a bartender in San Francisco mixed half sweet gin, half sweet vermouth for a traveller on his way to nearby Martinez. From this sweet drink, the dry Martini was born.

By the end of World War II, the martini was a mix of two ounces dry gin, one ounce dry vermouth. From then onwards, the distance between ingredients lengthened with the ratio of gin going up and vermouth moving down to a half ounce, a drop and finally to a whiff.

Along with passion over proportions, there were the technicalities of mixing. Some devotees declared that lemon peel in a martini was heresy, while James Bond decreed that it must be "shaken, not stirred".

Purists were themselves shaken when Vodka became a fashionable substitute in the 1970s and began to nuzzle its way and substitute the Martini. It was Vodka's taste-free neutrality that made it so easily adaptable, although, as one Russian explained, "vodka is not tasteless: it merely lacks flavour".

Gyaan session is finished lets see HOW TO MAKE A MARTINI!!!

The important thing to remember is no two ways of making a martini will be identical. Each person adds a different twist to the drink. It's all a question of personal taste.But the way to make an acceptable martini is fairly straightforward. And of course, a variation could always be introduced.
You will need:
Gin, Dry Vermouth, big ice cubes, a cocktail shaker, strainer, and martini glasses. Either lemon peel, a slice of lemon, an olive or even a pickled onion will be needed to garnish the drink.
1. The martini glasses, cocktail shaker, and the gin need to be pre-chilled. The dry vermouth shouldn't be cooled.
2. Put 4 or 5 cubes of ice into a cocktail shaker. Add 3 parts of gin and 1 part of dry vermouth to it.
3. Shake well for 15 seconds. Rather than shaking it up and down, use a back and forth action.
4. Pour the liquid into the chilled martini glasses, using a cocktail.
5.Garnish with a strip of lemon peel or a slice of lime or an olive. Some people prefer a pickled onion.
Martini glasses are long stemmed, wide mouthed glasses.
Sometimes crushed ice is used instead of cubes, but some believe this dilutes the drink too much.
Martinis should be served very cold, almost on the point of freezing. Remove the glasses from the refrigerator just before you pour the drink into them.
If you prefer a dry martini, use less vermouth.