Sunday, December 2, 2007

My weird thoughts

You might find these thoughts weird but everybody get these feelings once in a while.

Things have been changed a lot in my life… If I want something, god gives it but in some other way & obviously with lot of obstacles.

Sometimes I feel everybody’s ignoring me. Nobody wants me? Then what the heck am I doing here? I know everybody get this kinda feeling at least once in his life.

Gosh! am I so getting nervous & fed up with this thought.

There is a problem with me, as I wanted to be everywhere, on the top, all-rounder but can’t be. Expectations are high & sometimes couldn't cope up with the situation. Really hate myself when I think like that.

Sometimes I don’t understand why people behave like I don’t exist. When I am alone, I get some questions in my mind...Am I belonging in here? What am I doing? Am I happy living my life?

These are just some thoughts come to my mind less frequently. So fellas...Things are changing & will be, always. Live with it or die silently.

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